Monday, December 20, 2004

laughing is the best activity

Wow.. rarely I had three posts a day.. Well, one last thing for the day I think..

I remember 'laughter is the best medicine' as a column in Reader's Digest. Right? But since this was not on Reader's Digest, so a bit slash version took place in the title.

Just check this out, laugh with me, and tell me your favorite. Mine was definitely unquestionably on-the-bull's-eye Osteopornosis. But Inoculatte is also cool. And Ignoranus?? Amazing. I wonder what will they come up with bieourself. A bit scared, here..

Ah, well.. Again, what's yours?

the grapevine is

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ghehehe.. have been forced to fill in a comment.. Gpp seh :p..
Lucu jg yeh.. yg gw suka Ignoranus (krn ngingatin gw sama seseorang.. yeh, ya know.. ^o^).. Satu lagi Caterpallor,hehe.. ga tau.. suka aja sama explanationnya