Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Current books read: Technik des Klavierspiels. Ein Handbuch für Pianisten. by Bärenreiter (Jieeehhh)

So, surprise.. I finally ends the dreadful experience of reading Book That Shouldn't be Named*, you know.. For me, the book was dreadfully boring. I wished I had fallen asleep and been skipped for hundreds of pages from it, but the bad thing about books are they won't go on and leave you asleep.

The books
Anyway, I really have to cut some slack, methinks. Come on, let's be real here. The book is still wonderfully written as the words telling the story are flowing and the story was compelling. It's just that there is no element of keeping us side-tracked, when we were supposed to be.

In the first, there is this all anticipation of magic school to accompany us to get to the Philosopher's Stone. In the second, ... I quite forgot. :) In the third, the neverending hunt of Sirius was great before all secrets revealed. In the fourth, there is the Triwizard. In the fifth, there is .. politics. One of my most avoided subjects.

But I have to respect it still, right. I mean if Potter had to wait for five years to learn all of the secrets, it shouldn't hurt me waiting for about two weeks to know all those, right.

If Potter suffered for the loss of one of his beloved ones, that I shouldn't be jumping up and down after losing some of my beloved possessions, right? I'm talking about my time, by the way..

All and all, I can finally relate myself to Simon Cowell when he was commenting Nikko Smith in one of his performances. He commented, "You're doing this performances with this big notes in the end believing that we're not gonna hear the first part of the song. And honestly, for me, the first part of the song sounded out of tune."

That's how I feel about the book.

*only if you're wondering, it is actually titled Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.


Charlie Hendrawan said...

current book read yg ttg klavier itu pernah gue pinjem juga rasanya ;D

Credo said...

hoho, selesai jg yeah :D

Bie said...

to Charlie: Well, you know us.. :)

to Credo: Iya, selesai juga akhirnya penderitaan.