Friday, February 24, 2006

American Idol 5 Contestant of the Week

I am officially sad right now. Capital s, capital a, capital d. Man.. Actually, sad and discontented. Yeah, that's what I feel right now. And pissed off.

But to be honest, I'm having a good time watching all the top 24 performances. Between the Chippendales warming up sessions and those ghastly hotels and bars, I enjoyed both shows.

Enough about me. You know, Simon Cowell was right when he said that the young contestants were really great this year. He got that right. There are a lot of talented young contestants in that lot (eventhough it's not all of them *coughDavidRadford*). One of them, is actually our American Idol 5 Contestant of the Week.

Her name, is Lisa Tucker. She is 16 years old.

Lisa TuckerLisa was shown as early and far back as the first episode implying that we would see her in the top 24. I was actually saying, "Wow!" after her amazing rendition of 'One Moment in Time', and got really really surprised. Surprised in terms of that she sounds really great. Simon said she is the best 16 year old that they ever had through the entire series.

Hollywood week. Yes, she is a great singer. Vocally trained, good technique, flawless performances. But for me, she's to straight up to business and do my thing. She didn't flaunt, didn't showcase, didn't do a performance, just sang. That's why I felt she's a bit blunt.

When she said in the semi-finals that she was gonna be singing 'I am Changing' by Jennifer Holliday, I was like clutching my heart, finding a grip to not fall down from my chair, trying to pick up my dropped jaw, and blinking for some times to return my eyes to their size. That was one hell of a song to sing!

But you know what? She pulled it through. She did it gorgeously, so that I have a whole newly founded respect in her. She is just ... brave, great, and wow-y.

One problem only. She may be compared side by side with a 17-year-old Paris Bennett. And I think Paris is (though a bit whored up by the producers) better.

Oh, by the way, I think "poise" will be the new overused word for this season.

Update: Proof of the sadness can be judged by how messy my English was. Alert neons are not blinking.


Mike said...

I shocked myself last week. Well, it's too bad that he couldn't pull it off.

Geget said...

jelas2 jelek banget si Ace itu.. gimana sih..

Bie said...

@gets: come again?