Tuesday, March 28, 2006

'Wetten, dass ..?' drinking game

Gaw! After having one of the dullest Saturday night of my life, (last weekend, that is) this week's Saturday night again marks the occasion that sometimes happened to us: on one week you have absolutely nothing to do to find three occasions to do at the same time on the next.

This week's occasion is my performance in Leipzig, and 'Wetten, dass ..?'

Wetten, dass..? capBear me, Wetten, dass ..? is a very entertaining show, and therefore successful. So successful, so that it had put a halt on Deutschland Sucht den Superstar twice. TWICE! Germany Idol must be rescheduled because a show that is 25 years old! That's why I never miss a show since I found out about its existence.

But anyway.. since I'm gonna be absent in watching it this week, how about some drinking game? So..

Take one sip:
1. for every person waving to the camera during Stadtwette being broadcasted.
2. everytime after the wette contestant being ushered off stage, turns their back to face the audience again and waves, or does one of them.
3. if there is some singing done by non-musical celebrity.
4. everytime you hear an audible laugh by the audience after Gottschalk delivers his quips.
5. everytime the celebrity loses their bet.
6. everytime the international celebrity (by international, I mean non-German speaking) touches their translator feed or talk about it.

Take two sips everytime:
1. The kinderwette contestant answers Gottschalk with "Ja." "Uh-hmm." or just nods.
2. you suspect the musical performance is lip-synched.
3. you don't recognize the celebrity introduced.

Bonus drink (half a bottle):
If you guess correctly who the Wettkönig(e) is (are).

Super bonus drink (whole bottle):

If the kinderwette contestant wins.

Now, this is a very useful excuse to get wasted. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you stole that from me without asking ;)