Monday, August 08, 2005

this is it

OK. I give up. This is the farthest I can go. Well, I'm pretty aware that using CSS that means dealing with cross-browser issues, and I shouldn't be bitching and givin up on it. Well, but I just still don't know how to deal with IE bug, if it is a bug, and I don't even got the chance to check it in other browsers.

Ah well, in the mean time, by the way. Here's my current template. I like it the most when I'm viewing individual post page. (cue for Narcissus to enter the stage. heheehee..)


aBoy said...

memang beda sih...
well done, bagus bgt blognya...
jadi ngiri nih... heuheu...


novi said...

duh as far as i know sih, CSS ga bermasalah ma IE.. Justru browser2 yg non IE based itu yang suka rese...