Friday, July 08, 2005

another blogosphere madness?

Hahahaha.. ahhhahahahah.. haaahahahhaha..

I am really sorry. The interpretation of that laugh is up to you. But here's what cause that: the where's durstan thingie that rocked the web developer's blogosphere some months ago, the musical batons, the favourite books thing, and now this.

First, I doubted myself then by saying, "Oh, my. I thought I read it on Kottke's, not on Tom's." But Kottke gave a subtle hint and there you go, another let's shake the blogosphere thingie. Five years old, though.. And I think they are now just celebrating some 5th anniversary, then.. Or maybe there's still something fishy behind them. Hmmm...

Don't blame me, but I'm still loving every single one of them. Oh, wait. One more. The wordpl@y when @media was approaching. Long live blogosphere..

Schönes Wochenende, everyone..

Update: There were 2 comments in plasticbag, but then the comments were deleted, and no further comments are allowed. Hmm..

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