Friday, February 23, 2007

after the 24 - idol related

It was really funny to see American Idol on the boys' night. I mean, not funny haha, but puzzling. It just raises some concerns on my part.

The first concern is that, I think, there are too many similar style of singing in the group. I can't clearly distinguish and see what's so special between like, Rudy, Paul, AJ, Brandon, Nicholas and Jarred. And then, Blake, Phil, Chris Sligh are also alike. What's up with that? I mean, I know .. I so know that their voices are different and bla bla bla. But seeing nine people singing two styles is kinda agitating, isn't it?

My second concern is Chris Richardson. I like this guy. I like him. I just worry that he will be compared side to side with either Justin Timberlake or Shayne Ward. And that's a compliment actually. Both are great singers and like Chris said, accomplished. But tonight, I really can't escape the fact that some of Richardson's vocalizing does sound a lot like Justin. Damn. Poor guy. People may think that he's just a knock-off of Justin. Or Idol producer will think that they can't sell another Justin. Ah, well. I hope he keeps choosing songs farther and farther than Justin's music. At least he's still interesting to watch.

Third concern. OK. I've watched Idol religiously since season 3. I've kinda informed myself with performances from the earlier seasons than 3. I'm guilty for being pleased seeing Idol week out week in. My problem is now, everytime I see someone singing with a "contest" song, i.e. songs so often being sung in competition like Idol, I am not really pleased. And tonight only ... brrr.. I think there are only 3 or 4 contestants singing songs that I've never heard before.

My fourth concern. Well, it's not really concern. My list has been changed. One contestant was officially erased from the guy block. Huehehhee.. And therefore, I'm adding another guy, who was previously not there.

Fifth concern, I can't wait to see Leslie Hunt performing.


Now on girls' night. Wooh! I'm just so glad that I scheduled two hours sitting in front of my television that night. The girls (where some of them, not all, unfortunately) were on fire. FIRE!! And the best of all things is that my girl Lakisha was AMAZING. Whoa!

Antonella was a bit disappointing because she's not wearing shorts or mini skirt. She still looked gorgeous though. But as I stated before, her singing was mediocre. Damn.

Funny though how the producers put the mediocre one in between the good one in order.

How about the list. Hmm .. one girl is included in the list, now. Three of the girls who were previously there were still there, but I can strike them off anytime, if they keep performing like tonight.

I hope people (by people I mean Americans) will be able to see past Melinda Doolittle and Lakisha physically and realize that they are so different vocally so that their votes won't cancel each other out.

Based on sentiment, performance, or simply dislikeness, I want Sundance, Sanjaya, Haley and Alaina to be voted off tomorrow.

Update: Forgot to say. If you caught Lakisha in glimpses during the others' performances, and she doesn't look enjoying herself or folding her face (that's an Indonesian idiom), she wasn't being crappy or something. I think she was either being nervous, or trying to get the mood of the song. You know, being angry, ignored, hurt, desperate, left, and ... Oh, come on .. You know how lunatic I may become should I have to talk about this song.. Hehehe..


Credo said...

Aku lebih melihat si Chris Richardson itu terlalu mirip Elliot krn nyanyi lagu "I Don't Wanna Be" daripada mirip Justin.

Hmm, mari kita lihat deh kelanjutannya dia :D

Bie said...

Makanya ada concern nomor 3 itu .. Gue jadi gak terlalu bisa ngilangin bayangan kontestan2 laen yang udah pernah nyanyi lagu itu ..

Yang mungkin terjadi emang jadinya, "Hmm .. bagusan waktu Bo ngebawain lagu I Don't Wanna Be." misalnya gitu.

Tapi elo serius Chris R mirip Elliott? Jauh banget kali .. Dan gue meratiin Chris R udah dari pas dia audisi, yang mana gue bilang .. "Hmm .. bahaya. Mirip Justin."

Dan yang gue bingung lagi sama orang2 yang suka ngebandingin Phil sama Chris Daughtry. Jelas2 2 orang itu bedaaa.. Sama botaknya doang.

Credo said...

Betul soal song repetition itu.

Emm, maksudku gaya si Chris nyanyiin "I don't wanna be"-nya itu yg mirip cara si Elliot. Tipe suaranya jg mirip menurutku (Tapi ya ini komentar orang yang baru sekali dengar Chris nyanyi :p)

Phil & Chris Daughtry? Neaah.. Chris is way much better (based on that nite performance :D). Klo muka sih, ga mirip ah :D Setuju, sama botaknya doang.. Rugi banget si Phil itu mengambil image yang sama dgn Chris. Kalah soalnya :p

Bie said...

"Tipe suaranya jg mirip menurutku"

Hah?? Serius suaranya Chris R mirip Elliott? Did you turn the volume up? I mean, really ...