Wednesday, September 20, 2006

today's one liner

I'm gonna read as much as possible definition, explanation or whatever on passive-agressive behaviour, because I recently worriedly suspect that I were a guy with one.


Anonymous said...

Wihh, aku baru tau ada pembahasan khusus ttg hal seperti itu.. :D

Geget said...

Ohh, why did you have to go and bring this topic up for discussion.. I was kinda hoping that nobody in my circle ever has to find out about this term.. hehehe.. y'know, because I'm so it!..:D
but, let me read about it first, my whole understanding is actually based from the movies that mention the word.. :D

Bie said...

@credo: ada banyak banget yang gue gak ngerti dari komen elo. :)

ada: ya (mustinya) ada lah ... ini kan kayak sanguine-phlegy dan teman2nya itu ..

pembahasan khusus: maksudnya pembahasan dan maksudnya khusus?

hal seperti itu: seperti apa?? heheheh..

@gets: I know! As soon as I read that sulking is one of the classic behaviours ...... heheheheh... and btw, I reckon that myself might be one from Project Runway! Hahhaa.. I mean I've heard the term so many times before of course, but couldn't care less. But then in Project Runway it was sort of .. hmm .. why is it like me? and so on ..

Credo said...

Ahahaha.. terlalu banyak variabel ya :p maaph :p
Dimulai dari objek pembicaraan:

"hal seperti itu": Behaviour yg passive-agressive itu
"ada": Tadinya ga tau klo "hal seperti itu" dibahas dengan segitu mendalamnya
"pembahasan khusus": Tulisan panjang mengenai "hal seperti itu" yang menurutku cukup ilmiah & terstruktur baik (ada deskripsi, sejarah, common signs, references, dll)

Hehe, I was just amazed that your "well-known behaviour" (tanpa maksud menghina), ada masuk klasifikasi tertentu..

eitts, sblom ditanyain apakah "klasifikasi tertentu" itu, lgs dijawab aja--? "klasifikasi tertentu" = "hal seperti itu" >:)