Tuesday, September 19, 2006

first look

I am gonna gotta keep it short.

Project Runway Collections.

I was shocked to find that most people are agreeing with me. I think the best collection is Laura's. But one problem, it's not springy. I found Jeffrey's positively surprising. I was kinda glad, because I was really pulling for Jeffrey to be the top 4 (not three, though) just to see his collection. It's far beyond not-disappointing. I still hope he didn't win, though (eventhough it's very possible that he does).

Uli's is good. I was kinda relieved to see that not all of the stuff is a flowy patterny dress. But somehow nothing very wow-y about it. Her final look is totally fierce, though. Michael's is unfortunately surprising. In a negative way. Disappointing. I just couldn't figure it out. I think there's a bit of this and that in every piece of his collection, but it's not solid. Sorry, Michael.

The winner? Of course I want Laura. But it's OK if it's Jeffrey. *knockonwood*

Survivor: Cook Islands

Yay! The Asian-American kicked ass! But .... why is it the two teams that finished first in the immunity challenge consisted of three men and two women? I know it is purely coincidental, but still.

I like Becky. But I think she's going to be the Cindy (Guatemala) of this season (go far, to be cut in the final 5 or 4). I like JP, but I think he's going to be Nick (Exile Island) of this season (eye-candy who's voted off "first" after the merge because of physical threat). I like Ozzy, he reminds me of a portuguese friend of mine.

It turns out that the premiere episode was disappointing. I mean despite all the drama and rumor leading to it, it was merely a first episode of Survivor, that you realize that every season Survivor, eventhough have different twists, turn, dramas, is always only about that. Ah, well.

The Amazing Race.

Huahahahhahahahaha. I bet, that the producers of The Amazing Race were spending their summer watching and laughing at their show's rip-off: Treasure Hunters. And then they had a meeting, and made a pact like, "Let's show these guys why we are winning emmys four times in a row."

The 10th installment of The Amazing Race came back with a vengeance of a dreadful season 8. It was fully revamped, superbly edited (pun intended). It was shitty though when one of the teams was eliminated before it reached the pit stop, and they did it in front of all of the other teams which is kind of heartbreaking. Oh, Drama!

Favorite team: Duke and Lauren. Not because of Lauren is the first openly lesbian racer, but I always fond of Parent-Kid team. David and Mary is a comic relief. Tyler and James? Hmm .. I kinda suspect that their names are actually Tyler James and James Tyler. How cool was that. But honestly, this is the first race that I find that none of the team was annoying. But perhaps one of them has a Flo hidden deep inside their soul.

Too bad Arti was eliminated second. She's the prettiest among them all. Vipul is a lucky bloke.

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