Friday, December 21, 2007

knocked down by Knocked Up

It is one of the AFI's top 10 movies of 2007. It garners a ton of positive reviews. It was a movie with the hero I like but not necessarily I love.

But I still think that Knocked Up is the most terrifying movie I've ever seen.

Why the praise? Because they all live in LA, that is why.


And yeah, it was a knock-off. Don't knock me out with it. And no, I won't end this post with a Knock Knock Joke.


Geget said...

Itu Heigl pake stetoskop?? Anyway, emg itu reviewnya bagus kok.. yah, film2 itu lah.. sayang yg menghamili Izzie bukan wartawan yg terbunuh on the line of duty, klo iya pasti jadi nominee SAG..huahuaha...

Bie said...

Kayaknya itu di kantor OBGYN deh fotonya. Hence, stetoskop.

Eh wartawan yang terbunuh itu siapa?

Gue malah suka sama aktor yang jadi yang ngehamilin Izzie. Tapi gak suka karakternya.

Geget said...

Itu lho yg istrinya kribo.. hehe.. Daniel Pearl maksudnya..

Bie said...

Oh ya ampun .. Ngomong2 berarti somewhat buzzed movies udah tiga ya yang tentang orang hamil. Huehehehe..